Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whew, what a relief...Peanut's 20-week appointment went really well. Our sonogram showed that h/she had 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 functioning kidneys, a good, strong heartbeat, a normal name it, it seems that his/her development is going well. Peanut is weighing in at a whopping 7 ounces (give or take an ounce or two). The heartbeat according to the sono was around 139 beats per minute. Its lower than the last two doppler's registered but according to the doc its still well within the normal range. During the sonogram, Peanut seemed to be laying with one and sometimes both arms draped over his/her head. There's a lot of movement but I'm not feeling much, at least I don't think I am. My placenta is a little low right now and in 5 weeks (thanks to RB being in the Phillipines) we will have another sono to ensure the placenta moves away from my cervix. Pictures will be posted (if I can figure out how to post them) soon...
OH! I almost forgot - Peanuts due date is now October 14th instead of the 15th. If this keeps up he/she will be earlier than we have ever thought about being.

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